Advanced Coaching Reports

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Coaching reports allow managers to communicate with users (sales representatives) about their performance, what they need to improve, what they are doing well, and how best to interact with accounts. These reports change frequently and are different between markets and countries. To eliminate the need to add or modify physical fields in a Coaching Report, Advanced Coaching reports are data driven and behave like internal Surveys.

Advanced Coaching Report roles:

  • Designer – Business analyst or operations person who actually creates the Coaching report and the questions
  • Coach (Share Team) – Managers who populate the information in the Coaching report
  • Employee – Field users who receive the Coaching report

Lifecycle of an Advanced Coaching Report

Advanced Coaching reports are created using the Survey tab online. The Advanced Coaching Reports tab provides visibility to the Coaching reports where the current user is the coach or record owner. The Coaching report has basic information defined:

  • Name of the report
  • Start and end dates for the report
  • Advanced sharing criteria that defines the set of users (managers) who access the report
  • Custom fields as specified by the configuration of Survey_vod

After creating the new record, designers are directed to the Survey Management page that contains sections for adding questions. Questions are created directly on a Survey and can be pushed to the Question Bank to be reused on other Coaching reports. Available question types include pick-list, radio, multi-select, number, date, datetime, text, and long text. There is also a question type for descriptions used as informational or instructional text on a survey. Description types do not require an answer. Other features work like internal surveys question management.

Changes are not allowed after the end date and are not saved.

Advanced Sharing

Advanced Coaching reports have an added feature called Advanced Sharing (Open Survey Concept). This determines how a set of questions (survey) is published to the right users (share team). To support Advanced Sharing, the Survey_vod object should have an org-wide sharing model of Private. This creates a Survey_vod__Share object.

Advanced Sharing determines the Share Team (set of coaches) to associate a Coaching report to. The Share Team is determined based on data stored in the existing assignment fields, plus the following:

  • Territories_vod - All users directly aligned to the territory or the child territories
  • Product_vod - All users aligned via My Setup to the product value in the Product_vod field
  • Detail_Group_vod - All users aligned in My Setup to the Product and Detail Group values in Product_vod/Detail_Group_vod
  • Profile_Name_vod – All users aligned to the Profile value in Profile_vod field
  • Sharing_Team_vod - All users with a User Share Team (field on the User object) that matches the value in the Share_Team_vod field

One or more of the criteria outlined above can be used to define the set of users who have visibility. When more than one criteria are specified, the criteria is joined by an AND operator.

To initiate the MC Engine Sharing Calculation process that displays the Share Team list in a pop up, select the Calculate_Sharing_vod button on the Survey_vod__Share object.

Advanced Sharing requires the use of the MC Engine. See Publishing a Survey to setup the MC Engine. Setting up the MC Engine disables the legacy publishing process which uses APEX batch processing (VEEVA_BATCH_SURVEY_PUBLISH) and enables the MC Engine publishing process.

Advanced Sharing does not support the APEX method of publishing Survey records.

Designer profiles must have the zvod_Advanced_Share_Team_vod marker field on the Survey_vod object in a section on the appropriate page layout to display the sharing team. Designer profiles must also have MODIFY ALL permission to the Survey_vod object to modify Survey_vod__Share.

The Employee lookup list can be configured to include only users who fall below the coach in the role hierarchy. See Enhancements to Configurable Lookups for more information.

Publishing Coaching Reports

When the Designer selects Publish and the Record Type is Coaching_Report_vod, the Survey status becomes Published. Surveys with this status display offline and are available for selection when creating new Coaching reports. Only surveys of type Coaching_Report_vod that meet the following criteria display:

  • The user has visibility (a part of the share team) to the Coaching Report survey
  • The current date is between the start and end dates of the Coaching report
  • The user has access to the Coaching_Report_vod record type on both the Survey_vod and Survey_Target_vod
  • The user has CRUD access to the Survey_Target_vod and Question_Responses_vod objects

Executing a Coaching Report

Once Coaching reports are set to publish and are synced to the offline device, they are available to the Share Team (coaches) to execute. The end-to-end execution of a Coaching report involves the coach and the employee.

The Coach

  • Has visibility to the Coaching report templates (Survey_vod records)
  • Has permission to create Coaching reports for employees (Survey_Target_vod/Question_Response_vod records)
  • Fills out a number of fields on the Coaching report header
  • Review Date  (optional) – Date the Coaching report was completed in the field
  • Employee (required to complete the coaching process) – The user receiving the Coaching report
  • Any number of custom fields that are on the layout
  • Fills out the Coaching Report questions
  • Saves the report, or once complete, sends to the employee

Once the coach has completed the Coaching report, they send the report to the employee for review. At this point, the Coaching report becomes locked and the OwnerId of the report becomes the Id of the employee.

The Employee

  • Has read-only access to the Coaching report questions and header fields
  • Is below the coach's position in the role hierarchy

  • Has the ability to acknowledge receipt and understanding of the report by selecting the Complete button

Once the employee acknowledges receipt of the Coaching report, the report’s lifecycle is complete.

Sending a Coaching Report to an Employee

Sending a Coaching report to the employee is possible if the ‘Send to Employee’ button is placed on the Survey_Target_vod page layout for the Coaching Report record type. The end user must also have access to the Sent_To_Employee_Datetime_vod field.

When a Coaching Report is sent to the employee, the ownerId of the Coaching Report is set to the Employee Id, the Coaching Report becomes locked, and the Sent_To_Datetime_vod is stamped with the current datetime from the device.

Employees must be lower than the Coach's position in the role hierarchy for the Advanced Coaching Report to send successfully.

Standard sharing rules apply. For example, if a coach sends a previously saved Coaching report to an employee outside of their role hierarchy, but sharing rules do not grant the coach visibility to that data, the coach cannot view the record. In addition, if a coach creates the Coaching report and Question Responses, assigns the report to an employee outside of their role hierarchy, but the coach does not have access via sharing rules to that report, then the coach loses visibility to the report header, and the Question Responses is not created.

Alerting Employees to new Coaching Report

Employees are alerted a Coaching report is available via an icon next to the Coaching Report tab. This icon contains the number of reports available to the employee that need attention. After reviewing the report, employees can mark the report complete.

Completing a Coaching Report

Completing a Coaching report is possible if the Complete button is placed on the Survey_Target_vod page layout for the Coaching Report record type. The end user must also have access to the Completed_Datetime_vod field.

When a Coaching report is completed, the status of the report changes to Completed and the Completed_Datetime_vod is stamped with the current datetime from the device.

Recalling a Coaching Report

Recalling a Coaching report is possible if the Recall button is placed on the Survey_Target_vod layout for the Coaching report record type. The end user must also have access to the Recalled_Datetime_vod field.

When a Coaching report is recalled, the following things occur: 

  • The ownerId of the record changes to the ID of the coach
  • The Recalled_Datetime_vod field on the Survey_Target_vod object is stamped with the current datetime from the device

Only Coaching reports with a Report_Status_vod field value of Under_employee_Review_vod and without a value in the Recalled_Datetime_vod field value can be recalled.

Do not use the Recalled_vod value on the Report_Status_vod picklist field.

Cloning a Coaching Report forward in Time

Cloning a Coaching report is possible if the Clone button is placed on the Survey_Target_vod layout for the Coaching Report record type, the Status_vod of the underlying Coaching report template (Survey_vod) is Published, and today is less than the End_Date_vod.

When a Coaching report is cloned, all of the data from the original Coaching report is copied over except for the Sent_To_Employee_Datetime_vod, Recalled_Datetime_vod, Completed_Datetime_vod, Review_Date_vod fields. These fields are all cleared. In addition, the OwnerId becomes the Id of the current user (the coach).

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